Saturday, April 14, 2007

C Block

The MH was and is a haven of, well, a lot of things (some of which are not fit to mention!), but above all, memories. This is a view of the C block of the MH...


A typical assignment submission day. Note the frantic attempts to Ctrl V + Ctrl C !!


For years, this magnificent piece of flora has been the abode of class-cutting, exam-scooting Mechmen ;-)
See if you can identify the four legends in this photo :D

F1 comes to GECT :D

Okay, so F1 did not come to GECT - but this is the closest we could get, when a bunch of MECHalmoanics and partial F1 freaks went along and built a go-kart, emblazoned with the Ferrari logo. For a while, it was the hottest final year project in GECT, until a certain trio from the department of Chemical Engineering calculated how much molten sulphur was required to produce a 1000 Tons Per Day 98.6% Sulphuric Acid plant... Er, never mind :P

GECT Transport Corporation Limited

A fleet that includes 3-4 buses and a relic of Benz bus, the GECT TCL is not the most populous, but it sends back it students to where they belong pretty efficiently ;-)
Offer not valid for class-scooting junta.

CTS comes to GECT!

CTS came to GECT, and what a find they had - a whopping 74 people recruited... This was the kick-off for what seems poised to make GECT a major contributor to the Indian IT industry ;-)
This was taken and for a rare occasion, we all were in formals... Well, most of us anyway :P

Chali Consortium!

CC - we terrorised the college for a couple of years :D
And left a legacy behind ;-)

Hail all PJists!!! :D

The tree!

The tree that can make any amateur shutterbug's photo a masterpiece :D
Unfortunately, it is also the home to many crows, which makes the populace sitting directly vertically below slightly uncomfortable :|

Up 'n' Away !

This is moi, aloft the gate. Next to the college name arch :D

The front...!

Like a friend said... The beauty outside shields the madness inside :D
Few will argue that the front of our college rarely does evoke nostalgic memories and a sense of pride... Yeah, yeah, whatever :D

The layout!

This is the layout of GECT, which you will see on entering the college. The cartographer's guide to GECT, in a way :D

Friday, April 13, 2007

On le tour d'eau (water tank!)

This is a crazy bunch of Chemical dudes on top of the water tank - we miss climbing it :(
From L to R: Kiran, APK, Kumarettan, Speed, Biju. Oh, and the one doing an albatross impersonation is yours truly ;-)